Just this week, I lost the sketch I was working on under a pile of fabric, and it took way too long to find where it had gone! It’s hard when all my flat working surfaces are used for cutting and pressing. How is a girl supposed to stay organized?!

I came up with a solution, and I thought you would like it too!

I bought this set of three cork trivets at IKEA. I also bought a couple of different trims to make each one a little less plain. You will need ⅔ yd of each trim for each trivet.
Using my hot glue gun, I began gluing the trim to the very outer edge of the back of the trivet. I wanted the rick rack to stick out beyond the edge and show from the front when the trivet was turned over.

I repeated this same process with the pom pom trim, and it turned out so cute I wish I had bought more!

Here you see the three trivets all dressed up.

To mount them to the wall, I used 3M mounting tape. This stuff is double-sided, thick, and rubbery. I cut a couple of 1 ½” sections and placed them on the backs of each trivet.

I mounted the trivets to the wall, right behind my pressing station, so I could pin up my directions while I worked! The nice thing about these is they are only about 8” across and could fit just about anywhere. I placed them all together, but I think I might make more for above my cutting area and over by my sewing machine. I’ll never lose anything again ;)
Happy Sunday everyone,
Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my YouTube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.