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Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

Well, this is fun! I have been doing a virtual quilt along/video class for the past several weeks with my latest pattern, the Gilded Christmas Tree Skirt. We had our last official lesson at the end of November, and I asked everyone to try hard to get their tree skirts done, or close to done, so we could show them off! I hope you love seeing what other quilters make, because, boy, do we have a show for you! Their creativity is so inspiring!

Audrey DiBona Pantas

So excited to have this under my tree! Now that the sewing is done, I can get started on hanging the ornaments. Great pattern and quick to put together.

Barbara Wilson Withrow

Piecing Finished. This was a fun project. What I learned was how to use stripes. I have always stayed away from stripes in my quilts but now with my handy dandy ruler and Krista's instructions, I am excited to do more.

Beatrice Carr

I got it almost ready for next week, it looks great to me!

Bonny Hodges

Ready to go to my longarm artist. I’ve been on her schedule for several weeks so I’ll get it back in time to use this year!! I’ll cut out the center hole, and the slit, and bind it after quilting per Krista’s recommendation. Love this pattern and your fabric choices-thanks, Krista and Crystal. Happy Holidays y’all!

Carol Graves

Got my skirt done and gifted today. The recipient was thrilled! Thanks for a great pattern.

Carol Sue Kauffman

I finished up my tree skirt today. Turned out pretty cute.

Chris Vogel

I finished binding these last night. I made two of them for gifts to my daughters-in-law and I made them both the same. I purchased the kits because I didn't have the fabric in my stash, and I loved the whimsical look of the red & green. I used Fern Grunge on the backs, did some simple meanders in the dot triangles, continuous curves in the green stripe, line quilting in the red stripes, and stitch in the ditch for the rest of the quilt. I love Krista Moser's patterns so much that I have three more of her projects in my ready-to-start drawer and two that are ready to quilt.

Christine Vanaman

All my ”blades” are pieced together and pinned up on my design wall….I cannot wait until next week!

Christine White

Finally finished my piecing! Making the binding today and hoping to sandwich and quilt it this week. It just might make it under the tree by Christmas! Thank you, Krista, for the beautiful pattern and for the great tutorials!

Cinamen Srb Christman

Top done. I'm making it as a table topper.

Dawn Stratton

Ready for quilting and I just had to try your stocking pattern, too, and then the leftovers went for some easy coasters.

Deb Hiltbold

I bought this kit as I was going to do it at a friend's place. Looked easy enough. Not. I read the directions but had to take it apart several times. LOL. The moral of the story is don't take projects you think are a piece of cake to make. Krista, see you in March in AZ.

Deb Jankowicz

I loved making this tree skirt. It was a challenge for me as it was the first pattern of yours that I dared to try using the special ruler. Your clear instructions each week led me to be successful. I hope that I can participate in another quilt-along that you do. I chose the gold/black/white kit. Or I should say that my husband chose it. We are Purdue alumni. The theme of my guild's holiday dinner was to wear a tree skirt. I wore this one!

Deborah Zarra Jacobs

Finished the topper, and now onto the quilting. Love this pattern. Thank you, Krista! I also purchased the gold and black and will make that one next during the class. Finished the first. Now to the second week and the second tree skirt. This pattern is a ton of fun to work with.

Delia Mendoza

All done! It took about 2 hours to just do the binding. I lost some of the star points, but because this is just simply a beautiful pattern, it doesn't matter, it’s just perfect as it is!! The contrast and placement of colors on this pattern, make this kind of beginner sewer look good. So happy I did this. I ordered another kit because I’m going to try to do better.

Thank you to all my dear in this wonderful journey for all your support, I feel like a total expert now. I just need to do about 20,000 more bindings. lol! This is the most wonderful time of the year, let’s complement these times with this wonderful project!! Love you all!

Denise Ellison

The tree is up. I really like the alternating stars. I struggle when making quilts with multiples of the same block design. Making 3 blocks of each was just perfect. 6 would have been my limit. Full disclosure. I had to sew the chevron strips 3 times. I could not get them to 6.5”. FINALLY! Just about the time I was going to start crying. But I survived.

I love the stark contrasts of the fabrics. Love the angles. Getting the perfect 1/4” seam is my nemesis. Learned how to bind corners that are not 90°. The videos are fabulous. Whatever you do for your audio output is great Krista. I really dislike watching tutorials that do not have crisp audio. Merry Christmas to all. I have freestanding angels that are still only thread on a spool. Awaiting the next project Krista. You have a forever learner in me.

Eileen Ryan

I didn’t have the fabric in my stash that looked like it would work for this pattern but found some I thought I would try. Pleased with the results for the table topper.

Gayle Acidera

I finished my skirt. I was surprised at how big it was. It will be really nice under a tree. Mine will be an unquilted table topper this year. I used the finished skirt for a base to display my Angel collection this year

Ginger Ott

I am absolutely addicted to this pattern. Krista, it would be so amazing as a larger quilt pattern hint, hint. Pink and baby blue pics* This is the last one and mine- I even got the guys to get the tree out for me.

Jackie Chapp Carroll

I love this pattern, Krista! I’ll make another one in different colors and complete the points to see how it looks. I think you are an angel genius! Thanks for all you do!!

Janet Jones

I finished my skirt a bit early because my tree is going up soon. I finished the inner circle with gold/white and the opening with Velcro dots. I love it. I will be making the red/green next. Love this beautiful pattern.

Joan McFayden

Due to unforeseen conditions, I will not be able to wait until tomorrow to start sewing. Because I pieced it all today! What looks like black is dark green. Thanks, Krista!

I really enjoyed this pattern.

Joanne Hubbard

I've made three versions of this pattern and love them all. I chose to make a play mat instead of a tree skirt. It turned out exactly as I envisioned and I love it! I chose to quilt an allover meander and I'm very happy with that.

I was thrilled to find a backing that works perfectly with the front. The binding is from my stash and while it's not the same green I used for the accent green, it is from the same fabric designer and the color is perfect.

My black/white/gold version is not yet quilted, but I will do that soon. (While it was the first version I made, I didn't need it for Christmas so it was put on the back burner.) My gold is a little brighter than the sample in the pattern, but I really like it. My backing is black with gold etching and it works perfectly with my gold. I plan to quilt this with straight lines.

I have enjoyed all of the variations. Thanks for sharing pictures!

Thanks, Krista for another fabulous pattern!

Judi Brown

I was going to give the tree skirt to my twin as a gift. Then, she told me they already had a skirt. Her daughter has the tree up the day after Thanksgiving and wrapped presents under the tree! So, I decided to not cut mine and instead made it as a table covering for my dining table, purposely leaving the corners to show the beautiful teak wood of the table. I’ll put a red strip binding on it this afternoon after I get a fun backing fabric. Sure did learn a bunch making this, ie., reading and following directions (thank goodness for the videos), cutting angles, matching up points precisely, sewing with bias on feed dogs & much more.

Katherine Young

I had to let my fabric selection drive my tree skirt! My grandsons are coming for their first visit to Maui! My theme which I never had is red trucks with pineapples. My table runner is partially done and cracks me up!

Kathi Steele

My colors are red, black & white this year! Next year blue and silver! Thank you, Krista. Love this tree skirt. So inspired, I made coordinating stockings and a couch quilt. The instructions were very easy to follow. Thank you, Krista.

Kim Theisen Holmstrom

I was able to find enough fabric in my stash for two of the three fabrics for the second strip set after my major cutting error. I had to make do with a different light green. Not my first choice but there will be none like it!! Just glad I was able to catch up. Hopefully, I can get it loaded on my longarm tomorrow…. Finally under the tree!

Krista Mankinen Cummings

The Grinch is done but my hubby isn’t happy because now I want a tree to put it under. Currently, I’m planning for my next one which will have to happen in the new year. This one will be for my daughter who wants bright Bolivian colors with Alpacas. I have some llama fabric (close enough) so now I'm going through my stash to see what I can do. Thank you, Krista Moser, for creating a great pattern that provided me with my first tree skirt under my tree. I’ve always wanted to make a tree skirt, and finally thanks to Krista, I’ve got the perfect pattern.

Kristin Bitgood Nelson

I just have to sew all the pieces together! (I also just started Snowflake Lane. I had to sew just one snowflake before I finished piecing the Christmas tree skirt.) I finished piecing my Christmas tree skirt! I’ll have to make two more tree skirts for my other two trees for next year. My living room is currently unusable because of the damage from the last two hurricanes. This tree skirt will look great under my 9 1/2-foot tree once my living room is repaired. That tree has all glass ocean-themed ornaments in teal, aqua, silver, and white. Should I use the stripe or the silver to bind it once I quilt it eventually?

Linda Pacini

Love this pattern! Worked from my stash with the exception of the stripe fabric. Cut a circle to drop it over the tree stand since we have an artificial tree. Will definitely make more in different colorways for my kitchen table. Thanks for the inspiration in this group!

Linda Smith

Just need to hand-sew my ties and it’s ready for the tree. I can’t wait for your next lesson.

Update- hand sewing is done, now on to the next one which won’t be finished for this year, but it’ll be done in lots of time for next year.

Lynn Lane

Finished, and got it sent to my niece’s home for her first Christmas as a married lady. Many mistakes to ensure this tree skirt is unique. I chose to quilt the black areas in gold thread. The white areas I quilted in black thread. I was trying to create a striped effect to compliment the striped fabric. I let the tension pull the gold to the back so it could be reversible. I wished I had used bias binding.

Melissa Rentz Anderson

Bound and under the tree!

Nancy Havrilla

Learned a lot making this quilt, especially about working with stripes. I had a blast quilting it. Thank you, Krista.

Norma Shaarda

Started with the Red and switched to the Green - I'll finish the Red colorway next. Loved this pattern.

Rhonda Davis

Love this tree skirt and am so thankful for Krista's expertise and wonderful pattern! Merry Christmas! After the skirt, the leftovers become a pillow....and a Mug Rug...still have lots of striped triangles...hmmm.

Roxanne Perkins Graves

Fun, fun, fabric & pattern. Table topper for me.

Shannon Mueller Olson

The top is done!!.... this is a great pattern, it fits together so easily.

Sharon Aller

Ready to quilt. There's a mystery mistake in it. Can you see it? I decided to leave it. I learned a lot making this sweet pattern, and it got me back into sewing and quilting after a six-month hiatus.

Stacy Murray

Just in time to get the tree up! The hubby has been chomping at the bit for me to finish. Thanks, Krista for yet another great pattern!

Susan Monaco

I had so much fun sewing this one! Thanks for the pattern, Krista !!

Teri Howell Grundsted

Ready to gift. Didn’t find a traditional stripe to use so I went with a modern electric one.

Wanda Bramlett

I’m thinking table topper!! Love this pattern! Thanks, Krista!

Wendy Witter

I fell in love with this pattern the minute I saw it as with pretty much all of Krista's patterns. Due to renovations, I did not feel I would have room for a tree but purchased the pattern and joined the group. Seeing all the posts, I realized that I just had to make this tree skirt. Could not find a stripe in a color that I was looking for so went with a plaid instead and am pleased with the results. Thanks to Krista and her beautiful patterns, I have learned to shop online and post to Facebook.

Yvette Victoria Cienski

Finished! Went a little crazy with the quilting! So much fun! Thank you, Krista!

Zuzana Xuereb

Finally finished! I’ve combined the two styles and used the fabric from my stash. I ran out of one fabric, so I had to substitute it with another. It is not completely symmetrical, but I don’t mind. I really liked using the diamond ruler and very much enjoyed the pattern. Thank you, Krista!

Wasn't that fun!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website. If you're looking for fabric kits, you'll find them here. The Gilded Christmas Tree Skirt requires the Large Ruler and you can find it here.

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