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Show and Tell

Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

Who doesn’t love a great Show and Tell?! It’s the end of the year and the end of my first ever Quilt Along! The Wreath Quilt Sampler has been a six-week quilt along with hundreds of participants since Nov 10th… and boy do we have some beautiful quilts to show for it! Below are pics of the finished quilts, so far, along with the maker’s names and any notes they made about their quilts or the process. This quilt along was set up as a private group on FB so many of you have not seen these amazing quilts! I think you’ll be just as inspired as I was by the creativity in this merry band of quilters!

-Susan Combs Wilson

Krista Moser and Crystal King - thank you so much for putting this QAL together. This has been a huge help in so many ways. I have purchased several of your patterns, and have not had the confidence to do anything more than admire the patterns. After working on the wreath pattern during this time, it is evident that you have diligently provided the needed details in each pattern. I look forward to completing some of the other projects this upcoming year. Here is my 1st wreath. We don't have a tremendous amount of wall space, so I added some length to it so it could be a couch throw. It was my thought that I might use your blog post about "Master your Bindings" to leave the angles in the quilt edge. If I do that, I will probably add angles on the sides as well. lol There are 3 future wreath pattern quilts that I see in my future - to gift for next year's Christmas! Thank you for giving me a head start on those projects!!!

Forever indebted to you for providing this opportunity!!!

-Mary Stewart

"Almost" there...enjoyed the smaller ruler and the precision cuts

-Kimberly Martin

Only 9 seams to go and this wreath will be off the wall. I’m happy with how easily this is going together. Guess the ruler, Krista’s hints, and paying attention to the instructions really do matter! It’s my Boxing Day Challenge - I’m not even British. Downton Abbey marathon here I come!

-Charlotte Arneson Peterson

A wreath WIP!! Waiting for a stripe to arrive so I can redo the pinwheel blocks. I have a bunch of background to complete. Great project...thanks, Krista and posters. Fun to see all your projects!

-Jo-Ann Hall

Finished in plenty of time for next year! Thank you so much Krista Moser for this QAL....I appreciate you sharing your expertise so generously. I used the Snow Winds panto to quilt it.

-Becky Bunke

My Wreath Quilt top is done and ready to quilt next week. Thank you Krista for your first QAL. You are a wonderful teacher and I learned about bias on the bottom, using my ruler, and cutting off all those pesky little triangle ends. I mostly used Prose by Maywood Studio jelly roll from my stash. I'll bind it in the stripe.

-Doris Mayer

My Christmas Wreath is done just in time and will start quilting next week. I started late and enjoyed seeing everyone’s progress. I also liked Mary Anne Miller’s idea on the bow and like using the red and green. Fun quilt along and hope to see more!

-Diana Caldarola

Merry Christmas

flimsy done just in time, will be fun quilting it for the New Year. Thank you, Krista

-Wilma Eichler

All pieced! Yay! Need pressed and put on the frame. Thanks, Krista, for a fun sew along!

-Paula Robinson

Boy! This was a very fun project. Just need to trim and give it a good press.

-Michele Sutton

I have my top finished. I love the pinwheel blocks. I also plan to make another wreath quilt. This was a fabulous pattern. It was really fun to see everyone’s projects.

-Sherrill Ash

Finished my quilt top a while back. I'm new to Facebook so kept forgetting to post my progress. This was a fun quilt to make and I'll definitely try more of Krista's patterns.

-Lily Kamikihara

Top is done. I tried different things - colorway and extra "stars". I like the top and bottom edges as is so if I can figure out how to bind it, I plan not to cut the top and bottom. Learned a lot doing this QAL Thanks, Krista. Happy Holidays everyone.

-Debi Pickens

I didn’t get the quilting done but I love it so much I hung it up anyway.

I am excited to meet you at Prairie Quilts in March.

-Linda Heimerl

Here is my finished top, ready for layering, quilting, and binding. I am so pleased with it and I love how easy it was to cut the pieces. The instructions are great and I really like the little 60-degree ruler (I have the big one too). It was fun to put the pieces up on my wall and see it taking shape (my wall wasn't quite big enough to get a great picture). Please do another project!!!!

-Chris Vogel

Finished quilting and binding my quilt yesterday. Ready to gift to son and family for the first Christmas in their new home. This was such a fun quilt along and I hope Krista will do it again. I used FMQ and rulers to do the quilting.

-Carol Swanson McCabe

I’ve been enjoying mine in the quilt room. Quilted it with holly leaves/berries and straight lines.

-Gail Goldade

Top is done! Thanks, Krista! This was fun!!!!

-Kathy Vass

Thanks, Krista Moser, and all the others in the group! Have enjoyed the quilt along and seeing all the wonderfully creative folks out there! Flimsy is finished, I need to get it on the long arm!

-Sonja Lowe Devenney

No notes

-Terri Camp

This was so much fun! I really had fun digging into my stash to find fabric, and I love how scrappy it turned out. The videos helped build confidence with all the helpful tips. The best part is seeing everyone’s blocks and all the different colorways! Because I work to support my quilting habit (and all the other bills of being an adult) I couldn’t always keep up, but being able to read everyone’s post on my breaks help me to be better prepared when I could work on it

-Sue Rice

Thank You, Krista Moser . That was fun, entertaining, and educational. This is my TaDa moment!! Pressing is gonna be hard. Trim then off to Island Girl Quilter Kathy Vass

-Jody Wittrock

Really enjoyed this one. Here's my finished project. I love the versatility of the mini diamond 60-degree ruler. My quilting is so much more accurate!

-Mary Anne Miller

Finally got my columns together! Now for a good press and the rest. Guess I was not as modern as I thought...had to add to the bow!

-Marcia Patton

Top Finished. I added ribbons to the bow.

-Alicia Peacock

Finished. Quilting was fun too. Love the striped binding. Ended up a bit smaller because I ran out of background. Used my extra star blocks in a pillow.

-Lidia Martinez

Well, I was hoping to finish today but I only got as far as piecing the strips. Tomorrow is another day....

-Glenda Britten

Thank you, Krista! This was great fun!

-Catherine Taylor

Yay! Finished. Loved making it, especially the stars, so I threw in a couple of extra.

-Jean Bellomy

I finished piecing mine last night. It was a fun quilt along. Thank you, Krista!

-Betty Binder

The top is done!

-Sandra McInturff

Well all wrapped up. Fresh off the long arm and I got the binding done. I hate that part.

This was a lot of fun. I have learned a lot with the ruler.

Looking forward to the next quilt along. The Fish, ice cream cones perhaps?

Merry Christmas everyone.

-Katelin Hawkes

Quilt top is done! I truly enjoyed this quilt along.

-Nancy Holtrop

I really enjoyed this quilt along, KRISTA MOSER, QUILT ALONG. I used a variety of cream and white fabrics for the background. Still need to finish up my blue blocks, but this one is pieced. Now to decide on border/binding.

-Wendy Lewis

Should have been playing catch up on my leaf blocks but couldn’t resist the holly berry block. It's officially Christmas when I have red plaid fabric on my cutting mat.

EDIT: Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. Fitting this quilt along in between hospital treatments so I have gone ahead with the ‘main’ Blocks while I can concentrate on the directional fabrics. Saving the leaves and background for a Netflix and wine chain piecing day next week. For those who asked here’s how the holly berry block sits with the others.

-Cherie Moncrief

Thank you. Krista. First Quilt Along I have done. Lots of fun. Your patterns are so well written and having your personal instruction and tips makes it awesome. Enjoyed a class with you in Hawaii and hope to see you at Sisters. Merry Christmas!

-Denise Howard

This pattern has been so much fun to put together (however several color combinations did not make it to the final round -). Loving the glittery gold and I’m pretty sure the binding will look mighty fine after it has been quilted. Thank you for all your help Krista Moser

-Connie Mandl

So somehow I got more of one kind of background than the other. Learn from my error and do not start your cuts with the same color on the bottom.. I got extra of the same every time lol. I just did some design changes to accommodate it.

-Cari Apostol

I wanted to gift this quilt in time for Christmas. So I skipped forward a bit once I got the hang of the ruler and stitching the triangles together. I was able to finish the top last night. And got it quilted, bound, washed, and gifted today.

This was a very fun project. And I have to say that I have never worked with better instructions. Krista you rock! Thank you.. I am a Krista Moser fan for life.

-Karin Stylher-Galama

I was so thankful to have been able to participate in the sew-along. I was diagnosed with Grave’s Disease just as I decided to participate. I pressed, cut, and organized fabric whenever I had a few minutes of energy. I sewed when I could, sometimes sewing ahead, to avoid falling too far behind. I read your posts when I felt tired and loved seeing everyone’s creations come to life. During the long & lonely days when I needed to isolate from my family after the radioiodine treatment, I continued to wait & watch for your beautiful blocks to pop up in my Facebook newsfeed. Just recently, when I started to feel better, I went on a few days of marathon sewing sessions to finish the quilt top. It won’t be quilted before Christmas, but you can sure bet it will be the first one I finish in 2021. Thanking all of you, especially Krista. XOX

-Jackie Chapp Carroll

Krista Moser, this was the best sew along ever! I worked ahead, and finished last night, it’s even washed and oh so soft. I’m starting another one in different colors, so I will continue to watch the final tutorials. Thank you for sharing your skills!

-Gail Straka

I am making the Wreath Quilt as a shop sample for a local quilt shop. So I am ahead of the group. With Krista’s permission - here is my finished quilt top!

-Cindy Arp-Teasley

This is my top completed Thanksgiving weekend. Opted to make it longer by completing background blocks and so it will have a top and bottom with uneven edges. I also did kaleidoscope triangles in the middle of the star blocks in the wreath. Thanks for doing the quilt-along! I may have to do another.

I hoped you enjoyed this!

Happy Sunday everyone!


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.

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