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Sashing Situations

Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

Have you ever had trouble lining up your sashings to make straight intersections for a true grid look? It can be so frustrating lining up your blocks perfectly, only to sew them together, and the sashing is just off enough to be distracting.

I turned another pile of scraps into a baby quilt, and I ran into this problem…. Well, here is how I handled that! First, let me show you how you can make this cute baby quilt too :)

I was given one of those little stacks of 2½” squares, I think they are called crumbs (there were 42 in this stack). I added little frames to each one, with scrap strips of all the different stripes, and whatnot I've been hoarding.

Some of my scrap strips were not quite big enough, so I had to piece several smaller bits together to make it work… what are a few extra seams among friends.

I kept making these blocks between other projects (these would be great leader/ender blocks) until I had quite a collection. I ended up with seven rows of six blocks each.

To make horizontal rows, I added a 2½” x 4½” white sashing strip between each block.

If you chain piece these, it goes pretty fast!

Here is my final layout as the rows were forming.

Once each row was sewn, I pressed the seams towards the white sashing to alleviate as much bulk in the seams as possible.

I added a long 2½” white sashing strip along the top of each row.

Here’s where it gets interesting…how to join these rows so the vertical sashing strips line up on either side of the horizontal sashing strips. For this, I use a disappearing ink fabric marking pen and a small ruler to make two little blue marks directly opposite the seams of the vertical sashing.

Lay the next row in place, and match up the little blue markings with the vertical sashing seams from the next row. Pin these in place and stitch the two rows together.

Press out each set of rows. Continue marking the horizontal sashings and adding the next pieced rows until the top is complete.

Here it is all together! See how nicely those rows line up?!

A happy little scrappy baby quilt is born :)

Happy Sunday everyone,


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.

If you are looking for fabric kits, you can find them here. Red and Green Gilded kits are now available again until they are gone. We won't be restocking. Request to join the quilt along with the purchase of the pattern or kit. The group will be open for up to a year.

The Gilded Christmas Tree Skirt requires the Large Ruler and you can find it here.

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