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Ruler Storage

Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

So many rulers and no place to put them!! Recently, I acquired quite a few new rulers and suddenly realized how little organization I had in that area. Piles everywhere are not conducive to a small sewing space, something had to be done.

I've been asked recently about ruler storage (now that I have quite a few ;) How do I keep them organized?! I thought I'd share exactly how I handled that situation as well as a couple of ideas that others have used.

There are a few different options out there for ruler organization and most involve tabletop storage of some kind. I don't have a lot of table space, so I decided to improvise!

I bought this set of three little picture rail shelves and mounted two of them on a small unused wall. This is where I will store the rulers I don't use all the time. They are still easily accessible, and I can see exactly what I have so I don’t go buy the same one twice…. Done that…

I mounted the third shelf above my cutting board. I mounted it upside down so I could use it more like a shelf. This is where I will keep the rulers I use the most.

I bought one of these tabletop ruler organizers that would work beautifully, as is, but since table space is at a premium around here I decided to mount it to the shelf on the wall. The nice thing with these slotted organizers is they hold the rulers apart so it is easy to grab the one you need.

I added a few hooks to the bottom so I could hang my rotary cutter and scissors within easy reach.

I used double-sided mounting tape to make sure the organizer stayed put.

Here it is conveniently located, right at the cutting table, with everything I need within arms reach!

Here are a couple more options for small-space ruler storage (the pictures are kind of blurry, but you get the idea!). How about mounting temporary hooks to the back of a door? Brilliant!

Or, maybe use something like a glorified shoe caddy that hangs over the door or off a shelf. You could easily make one, out of canvas and clear vinyl for transparent pockets, to fit whatever space you have available.

Here is one more clever tabletop option, use an old file folder. It can be tucked away in a cabinet to keep everything organized.

I hope this was helpful! And, gave you some good ideas on ways to stay organized :)

Happy Sunday everyone,


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