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Need a Sweet Treat? Pick the Perfect Fabric Combinations with Krista Moser

Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

Several weeks ago, I filmed a tutorial with one of my favorite local quilt shops, Gossypium Quilt in Issaquah, WA. We made the ice cream cone block from my Two Scoops pattern, and who doesn’t love ice cream, right?! Like I mentioned in the video, they have kits, too.

Last year, we made a video showing the process to make the candy block, from that same quilt, (you can find that video here). I just love how happy it is :)

In this video, I make a little tour of the quilt shop and I talk about how I pick fabric and what I look for. I haven’t filmed many videos with other shops, but this was fun and different. I thought you would like to see what we did!

Here's the pillow I made with the ice cream cone block from the video! You can make something cute with just one block. A sweet treat for these warm summer days!

Happy Sunday everyone,


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.

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