How about gathering all your yellow, orange, white and black scrap bits together and making some low calorie candy corn from them?! It’s amazing what you can do with 2½” triangles! I seriously can’t throw anything away, and so I had a bunch of little black and white triangles laying around… I added a few orange and yellow and ta da!

Cut a few remnants into 2½” strips, they don’t have to be big scraps, the more variety the better! Use the triangle lines on either of the 60 degree diamond rulers to cut 2½” triangles from these strips.

I use the flat tip of the ruler to cut the other two points off each triangle, this way I have a perfect matchup point for the ¼” seam allowance. This little step is so worth the time it takes ahead of time, because my piecing lines up perfectly with minimal effort from here on.

For the candy corn you will need: 4 white triangles, 12 orange triangles, and 18 yellow triangles. You will also need 86 black/gray triangles for the background.

Lay out all the candy corn triangles into horizontal rows. Sew these together, one at a time, pressing each seam open before adding the next triangle. Pressing the seams open will eliminate quite a bit of bulk in the intersections when the rows are joined to each other. Keep these rows separate for now.

Add the background triangles. The top and bottom rows have 15 black/gray triangles. The other rows have even amounts of black/gray triangles, on each side of the candy corn, until that row's total block count equals 15 triangles.

Sew the background blocks together, and add them to each side of the candy corn rows.

Sew the horizontal rows to each other, pressing the seams between each row open. Use spray starch to help set all the seams and keep the piece nice and flat. This pillow top should be about 16½” square.

Here it is getting the special quilting treatment :) I know it would be easy to quilt this on my domestic machine, but I would quilt a potholder on my longarm… I have no shame! Haha!

I also quilted up a remnant piece of orange and black plaid for the back. I just stitched following the plaid lines for that one.

Well, isn’t that cute?! This fits a 16” pillow form perfectly.

The backing is pretty fun too!
Happy Sunday everyone :)
Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.