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Don't Throw That Out!

I hope you'll never tire of me coming up with scrap quilts, because I can’t bring myself to throw these odds and ends away! Last week, I showed you my latest pattern, Summer Succulents.

These blocks are constructed from strip pieced triangles. And, you know what happens when you strip piece, right? Scraps happen when you strip piece!

I had all these beautiful scraps leftover at the end of each strip pieced set. I couldn’t just throw them away!

I cut the scraps into triangle wedges, using the dashed line ¼” to the side of the solid center line on the Large 60-Degree Diamond Ruler. Using the dashed lines gives you a ¼” seam allowance. Sewing this triangle wedge to another one makes an equilateral triangle.

I cut some 6½” x 4⅝” rectangles out of striped fabric. Place two of these rectangles right side together, and cut a diagonal line by placing the ruler with the 6½” triangle line along the bottom (4⅝” edge) and the left dashed center line down the left side. This will give you mirror image sets.

I sewed one pieced wedge triangle to one striped wedge triangle and pressed the center seam open. I have stacks facing opposite directions, but you could do this with stacks going the same way.

Once they were all sewn and pressed, I trimmed them up to be 6½” triangles. I cut the pieces big enough so I could trim them down a little.

I had a couple of orphan bee blocks left from the Bumblebee Blossoms quilt I made. I’ve had these extra bees for at least three years, and I finally found a home for them!!

I filled in the right and left edges with a few more striped wedge triangle pieces.

I cut white background triangles from 6½” strips. I also cut some wedge fill-in triangles from 6½” x 4⅝” rectangles, just like I did with the striped fabric. Those fill in the right and left edge, alternating with the striped ones.

To sew these pieces together without Y seams, I built units around the bees. I turned the hexagon bee blocks into big triangles by sewing the three background triangles to the sides of the bee block, as shown.

The rest of the blocks can be sewn together into rows, then those rows are sewn into units.

These units are sewn to either side of the bee triangles to create large rows. With a couple of horizontal seams, the whole top comes together!

I quilted it with my go-to, wandering lines, back and forth. This is so fast and easy, but it could be done on a domestic machine too!

And here it is!! Another pile of scraps and a couple of cute orphan blocks make a happy baby quilt combo. Now to work on the pile of succulent shade scraps… more to come ;)

Happy Sunday everyone


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.


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