• Uses scraps √
• Super easy to do √
• A quick little festive project √

I wanted to make a diamond version of an Irish Chain for a while. I guess there’s no time like the present, right?! I made this table runner to see how the blocks would work, and I think there's promise with a design like this!

I took three different 2½" green strips (yes, I used scraps :) and three 2½" white strips. From these, I made two strip sets. For one strip set, I put a green strip on either side of a white. For the second strip set, I put a green down the middle with a white on either side.

Open the strips to a single layer and cut the right end off at a 60° angle using the pointed end of the Creative Grids Large 60° Diamond Ruler. It's also helpful to trim the tips off flat as shown.

Lay out the strip sets, as shown here, with their ends staggered at a 60° angle. Sew these together and press the seams open. Each strip set should measure 6½" across.

I cut 2½" wedges from these strip sets. Following the diamond lines on the ruler, align the 2½" line with the angled end of the strip set. Cut along the right edge of the ruler. This will get you something that looks like three blocks sewn together. I cut six of these wedges, from the strip set with the green in the middle, and twelve of the same cut from the strip set with the greens on the outside edges.

Arrange the stacks of wedges, as shown here. Notice, I flipped the outside two stacks to be opposite each other just to mix things up. I think this design could be very cute with a super scrappy color palette.

To sew diamonds together like this, you’ll use those flat tips as a matchup point on either end. The seams crisscross each other ¼" from the raw edge where the seam allowance will join the two wedges. These seams will not nest with each other, so it's easiest to get a good match if the seams are all pressed open.

Press these seams open, then join the third wedge to this unit to make a checkerboard diamond block.

I made six blocks, like this, and laid them out a couple of ways, but settled on this table runner size.

To fill in the background, I cut a 6½" strip of white background. I used the triangle lines on the ruler to cut two 6½" triangles for the top and bottom.

Turn the ruler to the side and cut two 6½" diamonds from the same strip.

Cut four 6½" wedge triangles for the corners.

The last cut for the long wedge-style triangles, down each side, can be made by using the 6½" side setting triangle markings on the ruler. You’ll need four of those elongated triangles, and they can be cut from a strip as narrow as 4¼" wide.

Here you see the final layout. I sewed everything together in diagonal rows, then added the corner units.

Once the rows were done, I joined them to each other using the same technique of matching up their crisscrossed seams ¼" from the edge before sewing.

Now it’s ready to quilt!
I had to add a little extra flare with the quilting, seeing as it's an Irish Chain after all 🙂 Here is a link to my freehand shamrocks if you’d like to embellish something of your own.

And voila! A fun prototype is born!
Happy Sunday everyone,