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A Week In Pictures!

Writer: Krista MoserKrista Moser

This week, I went on quite an adventure. I thought you would enjoy tagging along via photo gallery :)

I was teaching and presenting at the Shipshewana Quilt Festival, and decided to tack on an extra day to go see the behind-the-scenes operations at the Checker Distributors warehouse. Checker is the wholesale house that manufactures and sells the Creative Grids rulers I designed! They have a huge operation! It was so cool to get a tour of the facility….. plus I got a little shopping in.

After the tour, Penny, Chessa, and I, went to the studio to film a few things while I was in town. We talked about my newest pattern and the design process. They work very hard to keep the quilt shops up-to-date on the latest and greatest, so it was fun to help ‘em out!

Once I got to the quilt festival, it was go go go with so much fun stuff to do and things to see. I actually had very few opportunities to take pics around town, but here are a few I snapped. Shipshewana is an Amish community that is as charming as they come. I think on a typical day there are just as many horses and buggies out and about as cars. It is quite something to see how everything is so integrated.

On the first full day, I gave a lecture in the AM. Then, Penny and I did a Facebook Live over at the Cotton Corner. We had a small live audience we hadn’t expected, so it was fun to interact with those in the room! I did reveal the next pattern during that Facebook live… so if you were watching you were able to see what everyone else will see in August :)

That afternoon, the panel discussion was really fun! We answered all kinds of questions and shared more tidbits from our own experiences in the quilting world.

The next day was classes and demos and more meet ‘n greets. I had two classes full of wonderful students. We made the Hollow Star Table Runner and the Mi Amour Baby Quilt. I wish I had taken pics of what they were making with my own camera! These pics were provided by the on-site photographer trying to capture all that was going on.

Over in the exhibit hall, they had all my quilts on display in one area. It was so cool to see them all hanging side by side…. Hard to believe all that came from one ruler!

What a week! I hope you enjoyed this little behind-the-scenes tour.

Happy Sunday everyone,


Follow all my quilty adventures on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Visit my Youtube channel for free tutorials and tips. If you like my patterns, you can buy them on Etsy, and here on the website.

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