Sometimes adventure calls in the form of quilt shops and chocolate :) and a pretty drive on the way! This last weekend, we headed out over the pass with the Argyle Lad quilt in hand hoping to capture some fresh photos of it out in nature.
The road over the mountains has a river running alongside it almost the whole way; there are several picturesque pull-out spots with river access that make for great quilt photo staging, that is until the wind picked up and turn the quilt into a flapping wad!

Our final destination was a little quilt shop just outside Leavenworth WA: Leavenworth Quilt Company. It is one of the most inviting and cheerful quilt shop you’ve ever seen, adjoined to a family owned fruit stand nestled amongst acres of orchards.

It’s not a big shop, but it is mighty with color and texture. Lynn, the owner, has a keen eye for displaying everything in a playful way that peaks your curiosity around every corner.
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And what a surprise when we came into the shop to find one of my longtime quilting clients working behind the counter! This is Tracy, she and her husband have recently moved to that side of the mountains and she is now at home working in this little shop, how fun!

I will be back in March teaching a workshop for their quilt guild, and I am very much looking forward to it.

We perused the fruit stand next door and I ended up with a pile of treats only to be found at these places… you know, dried apples, specialty honey, and of course chocolate :)
If you’ve never been to Leavenworth, it is well worth the trip. It is kind of touristy but in a charming way. The storefronts, restaurants, and inns are all done up to mimic a Bavarian village, festooned with flowering baskets under every window.
This weekend there was an Art show in the park with live music, and while the adults listened the kids rolled down the grassy knoll over and over again :)
What a perfect way to spend the day. I hope you enjoy the photos of our adventures as much as I enjoy sharing them!